Vox Clara
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Thank you for your interest in submitting an article, poem, short story, photograph, or art piece to Vox Clara! Please consider the following, especially if submitting an article:
Purpose: Vox Clara is driven by the conviction that faith and reason belong together and enrich our understanding of the human condition. Born of this conviction, we aim to use Christianity as a lens to explore a range of subjects related to Christianity, culture, and life's biggest questions. We hope that curiosity about the Christian message will inspire lasting conversations among Christians and non-Christians alike.
Thought: Vox Clara is a journal of Christian thought, building on the command that we love the Lord with all our hearts, souls, and minds (Matthew 22:37). Articles, therefore, should reflect deep thought, convey points succinctly, and anticipate and acknowledge counter-arguments. When writing an article, consider this question as an implicit prompt: what unique perspective does Christianity provide on my topic?
Audience: We aim to produce a publication accessible to the entire campus, which includes people of all religious backgrounds, including those who do not identify as religious or spiritual. Articles should have the potential to engage, inspire, and challenge both Christians and non-Christians. Please remember that articles should be free of Christian jargon, so as to avoid confusing non-Christians who may not understand certain words or phrases. Please do not use Latinate words (longer, more complex words) when shorter words would do.
Prose: Articles must be well-written, with clear arguments and smooth transitions. Quick tip: Have a strong introduction. You can lose or win a reader within your first paragraph.
Examples: These articles are from past issues of Vox Clara and reflect the kind of analysis, tone, and clarity we aim for in articles:
Length: typically 800, 1500, or 2200 words (for articles)
Include a title
Format: Google Doc
Style guide: Chicago style
Scripture citations: include translation
Paragraphs: No indentation; instead whole empty line in between paragraphs
Note: we welcome submissions from everyone, regardless of Stanford affiliation
We look forward to hearing from you! Thank you for taking the time to write; Vox Clara would not exist without writers. We are here to support you, so please do not hesitate to contact us with questions or concerns at voxclarastanford@gmail.com.
If our vision resonates with you, please consider joining our editorial, design, or business teams! Send an email to voxclarastanford@gmail.com or come by our weekly meetings at Old Union 201 on Mondays 7:30-8:30pm. While we are focused on creating high-quality articles that speak to readers, we are most of all a community of believers who love the Lord, so we welcome your fellowship and support!